
“There is a light poetic tone in the show, humour and sweet irony. Everything is presented with authentic generosity and relaxed dexterity...”

— Þorgeir Tryggvason, Morgunblaðið

“Feminine experience, genuine comedy.”


Sýn­ing Reykja­vik Ens­emble – já, sjálf stofnun og til­urð þessa leik­hóps! – er áþreif­an­leg sönnun þess að Ísland fær­ist nær því að verða hluti af alheimi og við Íslend­ingar hluti af mann­kyni heims­ins.

— Jakob S. Jónsson, Kjarnin

“A journey of courage and joy.”


Inspiration on real artists like Pálína and her collaborating artists: does not evoke imitation but finds courage in its own search for possibilities and subject matters. Fragile, almost cubic images of the troupe from their reality - Polish and Icelandic, historic and modern, personal and political, religious and mundane, tragic and funny - opened the audience's imagination and kept the hall's attention effortlessly for the hour of the show. The relaxed presence and serious playfulness of the group was the right thing to do to draw us into the world and let us lie in a light bed not to understand everything.

— Þorgeir Tryggvason, Morgunblaðið

"Unlike anything else that happens and takes place on the Icelandic stage.”

— Jakob Jonsson, Kjarnin

“Unity, not division.”


The international theater company Reykjavík Ensemble is showing the theatrical performance I shall always return which is a work in progress at Iðnó, but the work is made with Polish artists in honor of the artist Tadeusz Kantor.

— Björk Eiðsdóttir, Morgunblaðið

“A magnificent achievement.”


The director creates, with masterful craftsmanship, an extremely beautiful and consistently interesting and holistic performance from these various fragments, with archetypical lighting, choreography, music and singing. In the intimacy that only theatre can create, people from all nations, actors and spectators, simply shared one soul.

— María Kristjánsdóttir, Chief Theatre Critic, Icelandic National Broadcasting Service RÚV

"Incredibly unique.”

— Jelena Ciric, RÚV

“Reykjavík Ensemble International Theatre Company is bringing about change to the status quo…”

— Rex Beckett, The Reykjavik Grapevine


Ný kafkaísk tragíkómedía

Morgunblaðið 30. mars 2023

Stofn­uð­u al­þjóð­leg­an leik­hóp yfir kaff­i­boll­a
Fréttablaðið, 11. February 2023

Alþjóðlegt fyrir alþýðuna
Stundin, 8. January 2021

Ferðasaga pólfara
Morgunblaðið, 28. september 2020

Polishing Iceland, konur í kvikmyndum II og holræsi og farsóttir
Víðsjá, RÚV, 16. september 2020

Ísland pólerað aftur á svið
Fréttablaðið, 10. september 2020

Ferð með fyr­ir­heiti
Morgunblaðið, 3. september 2020

Hughrif í vinnslu
Kjarninn, 1. september 2020

Eining ekki sundrung
Fréttablaðið, 29. ágúst 2020

Ástar­bréf til Kantors
Morgunblaðið, 28. ágúst 2020

Ég kem alltaf aftur
Fréttablaðið, 26. ágúst 2020

Kvenleg reynsla, ósvikin kómík
Kjarninn, 22. mars 2020

Pólskt Ísland
Tímarit Máls og Menningar, 12. mars 2020

Sjónrænt líkamsleikhús
Morgunblaðið, 10. mars 2020

Polishing Iceland: Reykjavík Ensemble brings the Polish Experience to the Stage
The Reykjavik Grapevine, 9. mars 2020

Reykjavík Ensemble valinn listhópur Reykjavíkur
Morgunblaðið, 31. janúar 2020

Lestin – Grænþvottur, A Song Called Hate og núvitundaræfingar bænda,
28. desember 2019

Allra þjóða kvikindi  láta sig dreyma
RÚV, 20. desember 2019

Sjálfstæðir listamenn borga til að vinna
Fréttablaðið 8. desember 2019

Leikfélag sem upphefur fjölmenninguna stígur á svið
Stundin, 7. desember 2019